1. Cross-Back Golden Arowana
2. Green arowana
3. RTG (Red Tailed Golden)
4. Yellow Tail
5. red arowana
6. Pearl Arowana / Northern Barramundi
7. Spotted Barramundi
8. Black Arowana
9. Silver arowana
Malaysian Golden/Cross-Back Golden Arowana
There are several names for it, some calls it Cross Back Golden, Pahang Gold, Malayan Bonytongue, Bukit Merah Blue, Taiping Golden and the Malaysian Gold. These are basically referring to the same type of fish - the Golden Arowana. It will have golden color completely crossing its back when the fish is matures. The main reason for so many terminologies is because Cross Back Golden Arowanas can be found in various parts of Malaysia such as the states of Perak, Trengganu, Bukit Merah Lake and Johor.
Due to its relatively low supply and great demand in the market, it is currently one of the most expensive color specimen for the Asian Arowana. The main reason for its high price is due to its scarcity as well as lesser number of gametes on each spawn. Currently, only Malaysia and Singapore farms are breeding the Malaysian Golden Arowanas.
Cross-Back Goldens are further classified into Blue-Based, Purple-Based, Gold-Based, Green-based and the Silver-based types, implying the core color of the scales. The terms Blue-Based and Purple-Based are being used interchangeably by some breeders since these Cross Backs exhibit Purple Core when viewed at an angle but appears totally blue at another. Gold-Based is one of the Cross Back with a flourish of golden color at it’s scales right into the core of the scales instead of one that is blue or purplish in colors. The Golden-Based variety seems to have color crossing its back earlier than the rest. This is one type of arowanas that is most stunning to look at since a mature fish is able to achieve the much dreamed about 24K gold color which other golden varieties are incapable of! Just imagine a 2-footer arowana, fully wrapped with golden scales swimming effortlessly, making occasional turns with ease and confidence to show that it is indeed the King of Aquarium. Of course, there are also the exotic Green-Based and Silver-Based types which have green and silvery cores on its scales respectively.
It is also becoming more difficult to differentiate the sub-varieties since it is quite common to find a fish that has the qualities of two or more sub-varieties. This is due to the inter-breeding between these different varieties by the farmers and thus most Cross-Backs are not as pure as it used to be. But on the other hand, it did produce a fish with enhanced qualities from each variety. The breeding of other varieties other varieties like the Platinum White Golden Arowana and the Royal Golden Blue Arowana has also evolved over recent years. Both of these command premium price tags and are very much sought in Japan due to their scarcity. Malaysian Farms constitute most exports of these high quality fish in the world as this fish is originated from there
Green Arowana
Green arowana is a common type of Asian Arowanas. This fish is classified into the Scleropages Formosus family and usually found in Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia. Green Arowanas are characterized by dark greenish lateral scales.
Red-tailed Golden(RTG)
Commonly known as Red Tail Golden (RTG) or Indonesia Golden Arowana, they are classified under the golden varieties as with the Malaysian Golden or Cross Back Golden. It is found in Pekan Baru of Indonesia. The prices for the Red Tail Golden are more affordable as compared to the Cross Back Golden. The reasons for this is that this fish seldom attain 24K gold as the Cross-Back Golden would and the golden color of Red Tail Golden Arowanas will never cross over its back even when the fish is matured or fully grown. It is thus not as great looking as compared to one that is “whole piece gold". Most Red Tail Golden arowanas will have its golden color reaching the fourth row of the scales and the better ones will have it's golden color reaching the fifth row. And, just like the Cross Back Golden varieties, Red Tail Golden also have different scales base color in either blue, green and gold. Young RTGs will have a duller overall color as compared to Cross Back Golden which is neatly defined, shiny and glittering with scales reaches the fifth row. Generally, the Red Tail Golden is the tougher of the two Golden types and can grow bigger in size but is the more aggressive of the two. Thus, it is more difficult to raise them together in one single huge tank (preferably 8 - 9 fishes) as compared to the Malaysia Gold. It is also protected by the CITES, even thought it is in more abundance in the wild. Apart from that, its tail, finnage and lip color are very identical between these two types of golden varieties.
Yellow Tail Arowana
The Yellow Tail Arowana, also known as the Yellow Tail Dragonfish, like all arowanas is a freshwater scaled fish. Common mispellings are Yellow Tail Arrowana or Yellow Tail Arawana, as well as alternate spellings of Yellow Tail Arahuana, Yellow Tail Gabelbart and Yellow Tail Aruana. Often growing up to three feet in length, these fish can be both challenging and rewarding to the aquarium enthusiast. The availability of Yellow Tail Arowanas for sale varies from country to country, as will Yellow Tail Arowana prices.
Red Arowana
Red Arowana is found in Kalimantan and Sumatra of Indonesia. They can be divided into 1st grade red and 2nd grade red. 1st grade red can have different intensity of color ranging from yellow to orange to red to blood-red and chilli-red. The higher intensity red is more desirable and often demand very high price. It is often difficult to diffferentiate 1st grade red from 2nd grade red when the fish is young.
Young 1st grade red's tail and anac fin have intense red color and their scales are shiny gold in color with some green at the base. Young 2nd grade red has orange fins and the scales color are no obvious and often whitish silver. When the fish grows, in 1st grade red, the color of the fins remains red, their scales and the gill cover will develop its color. Ther type of color it will developed into depends on which type of 1st grade red you have. On the other hand, the adult 2nd grade red will only have pinkish or orange colored fins, thier scales and gill color will only developed pink or orange color.
Four basic colour variants are Super Red, Chili Red, Orange Red and Blood Red. When growing into mature, the opercula, lateral scales and fin membranes of the fish turns into metallic red. The redder the parts show, the more mature of the fish is.
Pearl Arowana / Northern Barramundi / Spotted Barramundi
The Pearl Arowana (Sceleropages jardinii) or Spotted Saratoga (also Saratoga jardinii) is commonly confused with a totally different species, the Barramundi (Lates calcarifer) which is not even of the same genus. These are impressive and striking fish who seemingly do not swim, but glide gracefully through the water. This fish is best suited to a species tank. Any fish that is small enough (even large fish) that can fit in its mouth will be devoured. New laws in Australia have greatly limited exports because of over harvesting in the wild, and all subspecies are prohibited from exports. These fish are well worth the effort and are a beautiful addition to any collection. A wonderful display of several individuals 1.2 meters and over are on permanent exibit in Underwater World, Maloolaba, Australia.
Black Arowana
The Black Arowana - Osteoglossum Ferreirai, also known as the Black Dragonfish, like all arowanas is a freshwater scaled fish. Common mispellings are Black Arrowana or Black Arawana. Often growing up to three feet in length, these fish can be both challenging and rewarding to the aquarium enthusiast. The availability of Black Arowanas for sale varies from country to country, as will Black Arowana prices. Black arowanas can grow very large in size, so it is important to have an aquarium that can accomodate them. The minimum size aquarium for an arowana is 72" x 24" x 24", but the bigger the aquarium, the happier the fish will be. Ensuring that you have proper aquarium supplies, including proper filters and filtration, will help prevent illness and keep your arowana healthy.
Silver Arowana
The Silver Arowana, or Arahuana, is known by many alternate names, sometimes making identification tricky. Scientifically, it is most often called Osteoglossum bicirrhosum, but one may also hear reference to O. vandelli, or Ischnosoma bicirrhosum. Among the group known as band fishes, the Silver Arowana is considered a true bony fish. Indigenous to the flood plains of the Amazon River Basin in South America, the Arowana can reach an intimidating 40 inches (3' 4") in the wild, and is often too much for all but the advanced freshwater aquarist to manage. It can survive short times out of the water by breathing air by utilizing its swim bladder.